Sunday, January 27, 2008


I think that using biotechnology as art is kind of cool and definitely different but also unethical at the same time. It could be cool because maybe people can bring back animals that are extinct or on the verge of extinction back to life with technology along the same lines. These people create real pieces of meat by removing cells from living animals and then growing them in a lab. Sure with this way of doing things we wouldn't have to unjustly kill animals for the purpose of food and clothing but this is a form of cloning. By doing this I think that we as humans are trying to play the role of God. Not only that but the reason for cloning these animals is not to better mankind but for simply art. Sure these animals were put on this earth for a reason and if that reason was to be killed in order to feed humans to keep us alive then we should only be killing them for that sole purpose and not for art. If this is the case why not use this biotechnology to feed starving people in Africa and other third world countries? Why not do something meaningful with this kind of technology then to just please your eyes with some art?

These kind of things also make me scared because who is to say that this art form is going to stop at just reproducing animals... If an animal cell can be taken and reproduced then why not a human? With time and effort I am sure that this can one day be a reality. That would have to be the most unethical thing of unethical things in my books. That right there is truly trying to play God once you start trying to reproduce humans other than the way God wanted us to which is through sex.

I only believe that this kind of art is unethical when it is applied to humans and animals. If they were to use this kind of biotechnology on plants then I would not be as offended. I would love to have a million more plants produced through this process because that's not only allowing you to create the art that you want to create but also somewhat contributing to the planet.


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