Advisory: This Ain't Disney! Part 2

When I think of animation I think happy thoughts and stories that appeal to young children. As we see today, there are more and more cartoons shown on television that are meant specifically for an adult audience. These cartoons deal with more grown up situations such as sex and murder while normal animations tend to deal with smaller everyday child things.
The Blood Tea and Red String trailer was depicting a tale of horror. Usually a horror film would leave me feeling sort of scared or uneasy but for some reason this lacked that type of effect. I think it's because its animation. I don't think I can relate to it as strongly as if it was real people. It was definitely different from any other animation I have seen before because I have never seen an animation film in the horror genre. That's what kind of makes it unique even though I don't really like it and it's not something i would want to take time out of my day to go see. As far as animation this film looks spectacular but in terms of being more came across as being weird to me.
I won't be so quick to judge a scary horror movie and I would be prepared to give it another shot but I don't think it can really work well in a stop motion kind of way. Yes it does have that artistic look to it but if you really want to get your point across I would say that computer animating a horror film is the way to go. I guess you could say that Blood Tea and Red String just wasn't my cup of tea.
The Blood Tea and Red String trailer was depicting a tale of horror. Usually a horror film would leave me feeling sort of scared or uneasy but for some reason this lacked that type of effect. I think it's because its animation. I don't think I can relate to it as strongly as if it was real people. It was definitely different from any other animation I have seen before because I have never seen an animation film in the horror genre. That's what kind of makes it unique even though I don't really like it and it's not something i would want to take time out of my day to go see. As far as animation this film looks spectacular but in terms of being more came across as being weird to me.
I won't be so quick to judge a scary horror movie and I would be prepared to give it another shot but I don't think it can really work well in a stop motion kind of way. Yes it does have that artistic look to it but if you really want to get your point across I would say that computer animating a horror film is the way to go. I guess you could say that Blood Tea and Red String just wasn't my cup of tea.